Interview with Luzclara Camus

About Luzclara Camus: "Luzclara is a Chilean medicine woman, Great grandmother, ceremonial leader, shamanic practitioner, and sound healer who dedicates her life to the healing of herself, Mother Earth and all of her beings. She has been working for the last 40 years in awakening the sacred feminine energies in the planet using ancient methods of ritual and magic. She now resides in the Sacred Valley in Perú after a powerful call from her heart to be in this part of the Earth.
She has trained and studied with different indigenous shamans around the world; among them, shamans from Chile, the Q´ero shamans of Peru, the Quichua Ayahuasca shamans of the Amazon jungle of Ecuador, and Sun Bear, Chippewa Medicine Man of North America. Her travels have included India and Tibet where she has deepened her sound healing techniques.
For the last 40 years she has been uniting traditions of the Americas and leading ceremonies and workshops in both hemispheres.
As a young woman, Luzclara left her country after the violent takeover of the military dictatorship in Chile. She went to North America where she lived nine years of exile, first doing much political work for her country, and then after a painful illness, she realized she wasn't "walking her talk", but instead, living a big contradiction: Fighting for peace. Since then, she redirected her life to the healing of herself, and others.
In 2018 she had a vision where she would bring women together to pray for Mother Earth in different parts of the planet, so she started the Intercultural Women Convergence, the first one being held in Pisaq, Valley of the Inkas in September 2019 where 560 women came from 35 different countries. Also 13 Grandmothers sharing their wisdom."

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